I saw this letter on Dear Abby and wanted to post it here because I have some thoughts to share with the person who wrote it. Here it is:
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have two beautiful, hardworking daughters
we brought up as loving, respectful parents. Recently, "Kellie," 25,
got tattoos covering her right arm, leg and ankle as well as her
shoulders. They are visible unless she wears long sleeves and long
This has ruined our relationship because it shows how little she thinks
of us as parents, and how disrespectful of our feelings she is to put
the tattoos where everyone can see them. She knows we don't like
tattoos because we have mentioned it to her and voiced our
disappointment when she got the first one on her ankle.
I can't sleep at night or look at my daughter knowing how little she
cares about our feelings. I feel it's a slap in the face that she
doesn't honor, respect or love us. What do you think? -- BESIDE MYSELF
First of all, how DARE you try to dictate to a grown woman what she can and cannot do with her own body! You raised her but she's beyond your control now. Her body is her own and you have NO right to try to shame her. Her tattoos have NOTHING to do with you and everything to do with her. Who gives an airborne rodent's rear what YOU think? You actually wrote that the tattoos have ruined your relationship with your "beautiful hardworking daughter"---um, no bitch, YOU are doing that all on your own. If you are so superficial that you would disown your own flesh and blood because of some ink? You don't DESERVE to have the love of your children. You don't get that she is still the same person she always was.
You see, I know a little bit about this subject; I *had* a mother like you but we don't speak now, nor will we ever again. And you know what? I'm FINE with that. I don't feel a damn thing for her because she refused to accept me as I am and kept trying to force me into a mold I didn't belong in or want to be in. I hope you see this and understand that if you keep up your stupid drama you will LOSE your daughter "Kellie". If your other daughter has any sense she will stay on Kellie's side and you'll lose them both. I think you deserve it.
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