Meet Pandora; she is a yellow Blood python. Isn't she gorgeous?? We've had her for almost 2 months now; Aaron bought her from ShitCo the pet store; there was a male blood in there with her. Both were malnourished, cold (they didn't even have the heat lamps turned on the day Aaron went to see them) and covered in mites. They told us that she hadn't eaten in 2 days; we found out the next day from a friend who bought the other snake that they hadn't eaten the entire time they had been at the store! Those snakes had been there for weeks with no food. The other snake died the day after he was purchased of dehydration. THAT is ridiculous!! I am so mad I could spit.
Bloods won't eat when they're sick or stressed, so we didn't worry *too* much because she was still at an ok weight. Well, he brought her home after holding her in the store--he said the other snake was aggressive and kept biting everybody but Pandora was sweet. Until she got here, then she refused to let Aaron anywhere near her. She can just hear his voice and she'll start lunging in his direction. Only I can touch her without getting lit up (and she did get me twice, lol once on my birthday). It has really hurt Aaron's feelings because she was supposed to be his baby, not mine. We are pretty sure that she was mistreated by males up there at the store because she lunges at the neighbor guy too. The reason she bit me on my birthday was because I had listened to an audiobook for hours and a man was narrating it. She stayed pissed off for 3 whole days. Poor baby.
Only 2 days ago were we finally able to get a fuzzy rat down her--I've been feeding her liquid vitamins this whole time down her throat with a curved plastic dental syringe. THAT has been an "experience" to say the least!! We are going to feed her again today; she has gotten so thin that she'll die if I don't get her bulked up ASAP. I went on GoFundMe and made an account so I can start a snake rescue. Aaron and I were going to do it, but now it's going to be just me if I can raise enough money. So here is the link, please go check it out and spread the word. I don't want to see any more snakes abused and mistreated! Thanks for the help. :)
Link: http://www.gofundme.com/448fco
Look at her little face--how could anyone mistreat her?? She just got vitamins before I took this photo, and that's the face she makes, LOL. Those vitamins smell bad, and they must taste pretty nasty, too!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Meet Pandora; she is a yellow Blood python. Isn't she gorgeous?? We've had her for almost 2 months now; Aaron bought her from ShitCo the pet store; there was a male blood in there with her. Both were malnourished, cold (they didn't even have the heat lamps turned on the day Aaron went to see them) and covered in mites. They told us that she hadn't eaten in 2 days; we found out the next day from a friend who bought the other snake that they hadn't eaten the entire time they had been at the store! Those snakes had been there for weeks with no food. The other snake died the day after he was purchased of dehydration. THAT is ridiculous!! I am so mad I could spit.
Bloods won't eat when they're sick or stressed, so we didn't worry *too* much because she was still at an ok weight. Well, he brought her home after holding her in the store--he said the other snake was aggressive and kept biting everybody but Pandora was sweet. Until she got here, then she refused to let Aaron anywhere near her. She can just hear his voice and she'll start lunging in his direction. Only I can touch her without getting lit up (and she did get me twice, lol once on my birthday). It has really hurt Aaron's feelings because she was supposed to be his baby, not mine. We are pretty sure that she was mistreated by males up there at the store because she lunges at the neighbor guy too. The reason she bit me on my birthday was because I had listened to an audiobook for hours and a man was narrating it. She stayed pissed off for 3 whole days. Poor baby.
Only 2 days ago were we finally able to get a fuzzy rat down her--I've been feeding her liquid vitamins this whole time down her throat with a curved plastic dental syringe. THAT has been an "experience" to say the least!! We are going to feed her again today; she has gotten so thin that she'll die if I don't get her bulked up ASAP. I went on GoFundMe and made an account so I can start a snake rescue. Aaron and I were going to do it, but now it's going to be just me if I can raise enough money. So here is the link, please go check it out and spread the word. I don't want to see any more snakes abused and mistreated! Thanks for the help. :)
Link: http://www.gofundme.com/448fco
Look at her little face--how could anyone mistreat her?? She just got vitamins before I took this photo, and that's the face she makes, LOL. Those vitamins smell bad, and they must taste pretty nasty, too!

I saw this letter on Dear Abby and wanted to post it here because I have some thoughts to share with the person who wrote it. Here it is:
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have two beautiful, hardworking daughters
we brought up as loving, respectful parents. Recently, "Kellie," 25,
got tattoos covering her right arm, leg and ankle as well as her
shoulders. They are visible unless she wears long sleeves and long
This has ruined our relationship because it shows how little she thinks
of us as parents, and how disrespectful of our feelings she is to put
the tattoos where everyone can see them. She knows we don't like
tattoos because we have mentioned it to her and voiced our
disappointment when she got the first one on her ankle.
I can't sleep at night or look at my daughter knowing how little she
cares about our feelings. I feel it's a slap in the face that she
doesn't honor, respect or love us. What do you think? -- BESIDE MYSELF
First of all, how DARE you try to dictate to a grown woman what she can and cannot do with her own body! You raised her but she's beyond your control now. Her body is her own and you have NO right to try to shame her. Her tattoos have NOTHING to do with you and everything to do with her. Who gives an airborne rodent's rear what YOU think? You actually wrote that the tattoos have ruined your relationship with your "beautiful hardworking daughter"---um, no bitch, YOU are doing that all on your own. If you are so superficial that you would disown your own flesh and blood because of some ink? You don't DESERVE to have the love of your children. You don't get that she is still the same person she always was.
You see, I know a little bit about this subject; I *had* a mother like you but we don't speak now, nor will we ever again. And you know what? I'm FINE with that. I don't feel a damn thing for her because she refused to accept me as I am and kept trying to force me into a mold I didn't belong in or want to be in. I hope you see this and understand that if you keep up your stupid drama you will LOSE your daughter "Kellie". If your other daughter has any sense she will stay on Kellie's side and you'll lose them both. I think you deserve it.
A Dear Abby Letter
I saw this letter on Dear Abby and wanted to post it here because I have some thoughts to share with the person who wrote it. Here it is:
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have two beautiful, hardworking daughters
we brought up as loving, respectful parents. Recently, "Kellie," 25,
got tattoos covering her right arm, leg and ankle as well as her
shoulders. They are visible unless she wears long sleeves and long
This has ruined our relationship because it shows how little she thinks
of us as parents, and how disrespectful of our feelings she is to put
the tattoos where everyone can see them. She knows we don't like
tattoos because we have mentioned it to her and voiced our
disappointment when she got the first one on her ankle.
I can't sleep at night or look at my daughter knowing how little she
cares about our feelings. I feel it's a slap in the face that she
doesn't honor, respect or love us. What do you think? -- BESIDE MYSELF
First of all, how DARE you try to dictate to a grown woman what she can and cannot do with her own body! You raised her but she's beyond your control now. Her body is her own and you have NO right to try to shame her. Her tattoos have NOTHING to do with you and everything to do with her. Who gives an airborne rodent's rear what YOU think? You actually wrote that the tattoos have ruined your relationship with your "beautiful hardworking daughter"---um, no bitch, YOU are doing that all on your own. If you are so superficial that you would disown your own flesh and blood because of some ink? You don't DESERVE to have the love of your children. You don't get that she is still the same person she always was.
You see, I know a little bit about this subject; I *had* a mother like you but we don't speak now, nor will we ever again. And you know what? I'm FINE with that. I don't feel a damn thing for her because she refused to accept me as I am and kept trying to force me into a mold I didn't belong in or want to be in. I hope you see this and understand that if you keep up your stupid drama you will LOSE your daughter "Kellie". If your other daughter has any sense she will stay on Kellie's side and you'll lose them both. I think you deserve it.
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