I have had the same email address for years--until 2 months ago; it kept getting hacked so I went to Gmail and apparently this is where I screwed up.
Got my new email set up using the name of our soon-to-be snake-breeding business (Angelic Herps), imported all my contacts from hotmail, and started my blog. All was well...for a few weeks. Then my perfectly capable son decided he wanted to use my email address too and that's when I knew. Google & kids just don't mix. So then I get irritated because every time I opened my email, I had to delete out his daily 19+ Facebook notifications, and his video game emails, etc. One new gmail address later--and I swear it's the last one!) and I discovered I could not import my contacts into the new account. Why? Because Gmail is the devil, that's why.
Which means I had to start my blog over again, because I'm teaching blogger to my own damn self and I still have a lot to learn. I was just becoming somewhat proficient on the old site, only to find that they're changing it up. *sigh*
This is my boy, isn't he handsome? =) Just turned 23 (where did the time go???); looks perfectly capable of creating his very own email address, doesn't he? However, as smart as he is, apparently that's one of the mysteries of his universe that he has yet to crack. Lol. Kids--can't live with 'em, can't wait to live without 'em!
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